Our Story

Wayne House Family and Farm/Ranch History

Wayne grew up in Goldthwaite, TX. Upon graduating from high school he moved to Lubbock to attend Lubbock Christian College (now University). There he met the love of his life, Phyllis. The two were married in December of 1969 and he still refers to her as "his girlfriend" to this day. After finishing their degrees and making a couple of moves, they settled in Plains, Tx where they would live for 27 years raising their 2 children Yancey and Marcey. While in Plains Phyllis taught elementary school while Wayne did everything from teaching Ag, selling real estate and insurance, to banking. Through all of those years he raised cattle and farmed. In 2001 they moved to Comanche where they would finish their careers in banking and teaching and eventually retire. When they moved to Comanche, Wayne was able to increase the number of cattle he owned. Around 2005 he started buying registered Angus to improve the quality of his herd. Through the years he has used DNA data to continue to improve the quality even more. With a focus on DNA markers for calving ease, birth and weaning weight, docile score, marbling, tenderness and ribeye, he has built a herd that is not only safe and easy to manage but also produces a great final product for consumers.

The Help

Cinco & Marcey


